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    The nuuna Novelties Spring 2021

    You must be the change nuuna notizbuecher 01
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    Graphic L
    You Must Be The Change
    31,50 € *
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    Spring is a time for action, new beginnings and a fresh breeze. The perfect time for new notebooks! After our last collection was characterized by abstract compositions and patterns, we focus on typography again with the design of our novelties. Sometimes clean and bold, then again dynamic and playful.

    The color combinations alternate between pink, blue, yellow, red and black and white. The screen printing is so intense that you can even feel it!

    Hot stuff nuuna notizbuch thermo 02
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    And special effects are also back: thermo-reactive screen printing that changes color when heated - HOT STUFF! Or letters that glow in the dark. For a bit of magic in everyday life.

    Notizbuch rot weiss on off nuuna 03
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    Graphic L
    On - Off
    20,90 € *
    Old price: 31,50 €
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    Nuuna notizbuch glow in the dark magic idea 04
    Shop the Book
    Graphic L
    On - Off
    20,90 € *
    Old price: 31,50 €
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    Nuuna notizbuch neuheiten recycled leather 05
    Nuuna notizbuch buchstaben recycled leather neuheiten 06
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    Graphic L
    On - Off
    20,90 € *
    Old price: 31,50 €
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    Secret stories nuuna notizbuecher punkteraster 07
    Shop the Book
    Graphic L
    On - Off
    20,90 € *
    Old price: 31,50 €
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    With all the brand new artwork, we have of course stayed true to our signature features: In colored book cuts and motifs that extend around the edges of the book, our Graphic L and Graphic S format, best premium paper including a practical dot grid, high quality thread stitching, and covers made of super soft recycled leather. We're ecstatic – now all the new ideas and plans can come!

    Work in progress notizbuch nuuna black and white 08
    Nuuna notizbuecher work in progress journaling 09
    Shop the Book
    Graphic L
    Work In Progress
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Click here to go directly to our new designs!