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    Notebook love

    Today I'll write you a love letter, a hundred sheets full — just for you. One by one I'll rain down on you — like a gentle summer storm in winter, all the words and thoughts and feelings — captured on paper. So that you don't forget them. So you can bathe in them if you want. Outside it's cold, but in here, in my head, here with us, it's warm.

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    Graphic L
    Yes - No
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    Yes - No
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Composition L
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    On - Off
    20,90 € *
    Old price: 31,50 €
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    Print and Paper

    02 b notizbuch nuuna blau weiss rot a5 a6 recyceltes leder
    03 b nuuna notizbuch recyceltes leder nachhaltig
    04 b notizbuch schreiben nuuna a5
    Shop the look
    Graphic L
    Yes - No
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    Yes - No
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Composition L
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    On - Off
    20,90 € *
    Old price: 31,50 €
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    Voyager L
    33,50 € *
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    Voyager M
    28,50 € *
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    Pen Caran d'Ache 849
    Orange Fluo
    24,00 € *
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    Voyager L
    33,50 € *
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    Voyager M
    28,50 € *
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    Pen Caran d'Ache 849
    Black matt
    24,00 € *
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    06 d seiten mit muster grid rot blau a5 a6 recyceltes leder
    07 d nuuna notizbuch papier nachhaltig permiumpapier
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    Break The Grid L Light
    33,50 € *
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    Break The Grid S
    26,50 € *
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    08 d kaleidoskop recyceltes leder nuuna notizbuch a5
    09 d nuuna notizbuch recyceltes leder schwarz weiss
    Shop the look
    Graphic L
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    Been There Done That
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic S
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    Graphic L
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    Write - Wrong
    31,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    Write – Wrong
    22,50 € *
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    Writing is glamour

    11 h notizbuch nuuna a6 klein schwarz weiss streifen muster
    12 h notizbuch nuuna schwarz weiss recyceltes leder permiumpapier balett tanz
    13 h 12 h notizbuch nuuna schwarz weiss recyceltes leder muster streifen
    Shop the look
    Graphic S
    Write – Wrong
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic S
    22,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    Work In Progress
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    Graphic L
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    Graphic L
    31,50 € *
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    Not White L Light
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    Gel Roller Ball Pen
    Hybrid Gel Grip Pentel K116-A 0,6mm black
    2,90 € *
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    Black Magic

    15 g notwhite notizbuch schwarze farbige seiten stift halterung
    16 g notwhite notizbuch schwarze farbige seiten illustration
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    Not White L Light
    38,50 € *
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    Gel Roller Ball Pen
    Hybrid Gel Grip Pentel K116-A 0,6mm black
    2,90 € *
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    Pen Caran d'Ache 849
    Black matt
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    18 f nuuna notizbuch design cover nuuna muster
    19 f notizbuch nuuna nachhaltig schwarz weiss muster a5 premiumpapier
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    Graphic L
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    20,90 € *
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    Graphic L
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    Nightflight L Light
    NYC Silver
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    Nightflight L Light
    Berlin Silver
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    21 g nuuna notizbuch schwarz silber muster stern leder nachhaltig
    22 g nuuna notizbuch schwarz silber muster stern premiumpapier
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    31,50 € *
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    Graphic L
    Milky Way
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    Milky Way
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    Everything Starts From A Dot
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    Shiny Starlet S
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    24 f notizbuch a6 klein glanz effekt premiumpapier
    25 f nuuna notizbuch hologramm effekt glaenzend a6 klein
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    Pearl S
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    Shiny Starlet S
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    Shiny Starlet S
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    Fluid Chrome
    31,50 € *
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