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    Heyday for nuuna

    And why notebooks are also the bearers of hope!

    Nuuna by heyday kollabration notiubuch a5

    The Bern design agency Heyday has designed an exclusive notebook edition for us. The concept was created during the Covid pandemic and is based on a great love for notebooks, combined with a sense of high hope and optimism.

    What happens in notebooks is nothing short of miraculous: in the beginning, there is nothing, a yawning emptiness, a horrible vacuum, and then, once you dare, the journey begins: Words emerge that form stories, ideas that develop into plans, dreams that come true.

    The designers of the Bern-based agency Heyday are great notebook lovers; the analogue method of storing ideas is an important part of their creative process. The designers only really became aware of why this is so during the design of their nuuna covers. The result was the realization that notebooks can be the beginning of something big. An empty pool of ideas begins with random thoughts, individual words, imaginations, wishes. In the end, we create big plans, complex stories, and elaborate concepts.

    So within every analogue idea pool, there always lies hope, a bit of utopia, and a large portion of trust. And this is just we need as a community amid a global pandemic – our notebooks are the perfect place for that. So how does this look?

    For the design of their nuuna edition, the Swiss team opted for a rather understated design in black and white. The cover artwork was screen printed on soft recycled leather. And inside; plenty of space for the colourful world of thoughts.

    Nnuna by heyday dreams words ideas notizbuecher kollaboration
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    Nuuna by heyday kollabration bern design buero notizbubuch a5
    Nuuna by heyday kollabration bern design agentur buero notizbubuch a5
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    Nuuna by heyday kollabration notizbubuch a5 bern design agentur buero
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    Heyday is a design agency from Bern with a primary focus on communication design. The team currently consists of seven people, all projects are created in close collaboration. And what exactly do they do? Campaigns, branding, infographics, exhibition designs, print and digital. The focus is often on socially relevant topics.

    Heyday design usually has a playful tone, and ranges from mixed media, risograph printing, photography to typography. The goal is to make information accessible, and to delight and build bridges. And we're super excited about the newly built nuuna-Heyday bridge!

    And, just saying, Heyday recently won the European Design Award and the 100 Best Posters prize for their design for the LGBTI film festival ‘Queersicht’. Congratulations Heyday!

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    Nuuna by heyday kollabration notizbubuch a5 bern design buero
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